Nayeli Saenz

Nayeli Saenz grew up undocumented, married a US citizen, and had three children. As her marriage deteriorated, it grew increasingly abusive. Nayeli’s ex-husband would regularly threaten to drop her off in Mexico where she would never be able to see their children again. Trapped and fearing for her life, she called the police, risking deportation. Now, Nayeli dedicates her time as a human rights educator so others never feel captive as she once did.

Maybe I can’t leave the country, but I can mobilize within the country. It is not just about crossing the border or DACA recipients, but it is about the 11 million in this country trapped. There is a very popular song titled, “I Live in a Golden Cage”/“La Juala De Oro.” And this is exactly what it is for a lot of people.
